14 Aug 2021
A, B, C of Babies
Jo Emmerson
A is for “All babies cry”
Well yes. But. There is crying, and there is crying and there is CRYING – as a first time parent, instincts are essential in helping you know which is which. We were told for weeks that our newborn’s scream-like cries were ‘just what babies do’ – but I knew something wasn’t right. Being fobbed off by the health visitor made me feel utternly neurotic and like I was a failure because I couldn’t cope with these apparently perfectly noises my baby was making.
And then a friend suggested we visit a craniosacral osteopath, and, honestly, if I’d not stayed in the room the whole time, I would have thought they switched my baby out. We left the room with a calm, quiet, painfree baby.
The practitioner had identified a small twist in his diaphragm. That’s why he had been CRYING. My instincts had been telling me these were not just day to day cries, and my instincts had been right. If only I had been encouraged by the Health Visitor to listen to my gut, we might have been able to resolve the issue sooner, rather than feeling that we were letting our little boy down by not being able to fix him. (And THAT is how I wound up with PND - and that's a story for another day...)
So, new parent, if you think something is up, you’re probably right. I know you’re knackered, overwhelmed and probably hormonal, but you are NOT incompetent or incapable. Challenge what you’re being told and push until you get a proper answer.
What's your top tip for new parents? What do you wish you'd known in those early days?
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